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Sustainable Building ideas can be implemented in the following areas of your construction project:


Ubel Home/Recent News -> Going Green

Green Construction is the building trend of the decade. In direct response to the growing demand for sustainable, healthy, and energy-efficient homes, John Ubel and Matthew Rosi have become certified by studying under David Johnston, the leader in the green building movement, transforming the way we think about the
American Home.

Green building results in better houses, improves the lives of the people who live in them, as well as the health of our planet.

"What we alternately call green building or sustainable building is a way for people to make a positive difference in the world around them - if not reversing, then at least reducing the impact of humankind on the planet. Not coincidentally, it has its own practical rewards on a scale that all of us can immediately understand. If becoming model citizens of Planet Earth is too much to get our arms around, living in healthier, more comfortable houses that are less
expensive to operate and last longer is certainly an attractive idea. Who wouldn't want to participate in something like that?" (From Green From the Ground Up, by David Johnston and Scott Gibson)